19ème volume des titres joués au Popcorn
- Leon Haywood - It's got to be mellow
- Little Jimmy Ray - You need to fall in love
- Little Joe Cook - I'll never go to a party again
- Lorne Lesley - I don't know
- Lou Courtney - Man with the cigar
- Lowell Fulsom - Tramp
- Lucky Clark - Let me be your fool
- Major Lance - Rhythm
- Mamie Van Doren - Nobody but you
- Mar-keys - Gigglin'
- Marlina Mars - Just another dance
- Marty Richards - What makes one fall in love
- Marva Josie - Later for you baby
- Marvel Harrell - Don't play with my heart
- Marvels Five - Don't play no more
- Mary Ellen - Still waters run deep
- Mavis Rivers - Footsteps of a fool
- Maxine Brown - Am I falling in love
- Merced Blue Notes - Thompin'
- Mr Lee - Wouldn't be here